Stopify Snapshots
Influenza Infection Risk Profile:
In a room, there are susceptible occupants represented by open circles. Among these occupants, one may be potentially infected with a contagious disease, and she/he is generating “quanta”, infectious airborne agents in the same room. (This individual is not shown in the diagram.) The presence of potentially infected individual poses a risk of spreading the disease to others in the room. The potentially newly-infected individuals are represented by the closed red circles. To manage and mitigate this risk, one approach is to adjust the air exchange rate within the room. The air exchange rate refers to how frequently the air inside the room is replaced with fresh air from outside. By adjusting this rate, it's possible to control the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room. Simultaneously, this adjustment affects the infection risk within the room. Proper ventilation and air exchange can help dilute and remove airborne pathogens, reducing the likelihood of transmission from one infected occupant. This chart shows the four points of various air exchange rates, namely 12 [1/hr],, 7.4 [1/hr], 5.1 [1/hr], and 2.6 [1/hr], CO2 and infection risk are increased accordingly.
StoPify is designed to calculate both the CO2 concentration and the infection risk based on the current air exchange rate. This system takes into account factors such as the number of occupants, body weight, room volume, and duration of time indoors with one infected individual. By dynamically adjusting the air exchange rate based on these calculations, it's possible to maintain a safe and healthy indoor environment, minimising the risk of airborne transmission.